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Why Your Should Bring Your Yoga Mat To The Gym

Why Your Should Bring Your Yoga Mat To The Gym

Whilst the gyms have been given the green light to open on the 25th July, there's still a lot of uncertainty in the air about how safe it'll actually be, being in a room full of people, breathing heavily, shedding sweat, and sharing equipment.

Our Kindred spirits (the Kin team, ambassadors, and customers) have generally found that using their classic Kin mats make exceptional home workout exercise mats too (mostly the shock absorption factor, and also the high grip base that stops any slipping).

So we thought it'd be a great, hygienic idea to not just bring your own mat to the Yoga studio once it opens, but also to the gym! Gym mats are one piece of equipment that usually ends up drenched in sweat, rendering it particularly unhygienic and dangerous. So why not bring your Kin mat to the gym, set up your own yoga mat sized station, and get to it!